A Carrie Bradshaw moment

I believe we all have our own version of Carrie Bradshaw moment: Fendi bag moment, Manolo Blahniks moment, Carrie-casually-sitting-in-front-of-her-laptop-in-her-jerseys-with-a-cigaratte moment,etc. As I was lying in my bed last night, I couldn't help but wonder what's my version of Carrie moment? Then the scene of her in Dior freaking out about losing her Carrie necklace appeared. The monologues still vividly enblazoned in my mind: "I can't have lost my Carrie necklace. It costs like nothing, but it's priceless."
I adored this scene when I was younger but I didn't know what it really meant. Now I'm looking back in retrospect, I realize that lost necklace was a metaphor of her once lost self, and she was trying to it. So as a woman in jewelry, the first thing that comes to my mind is that I'm gonna launch a name necklace, so here it is, something that you can feel like yourself, whether it's a shirt, a hat or a necklace.